“Clearance” – Customs and immigration fees

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What customs and immigration formalities for your cruise to the Grenadines.

Before leaving Martinique, you will need to obtain exit clearance from the territory. When you arrive on a foreign island, you will need to obtain entry clearance.

For the islands of Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines and Grenada, it is strongly recommended to complete the “pre-arrival notification” procedure on the website https://sailclear before your cruise departure. com. This formality does not exempt you from reporting to Customs and Immigration, but it will significantly reduce the time spent there.

Entry clearance is not necessary if you stay at anchor for less than 24 hours and if you do not go ashore. In this case, simply raise the “Q” flag (yellow), on the port side under the first layer of spreaders, and respect the deadline to leave the territory.

Star Voyage Antilles staff will provide you, upon your departure, with all the necessary information, as well as a list of rates charged in the different islands by the Customs and Immigration services.